


NOTE: This was a survey that I had filled for a researcher at Stanford University. I have left my answers to some of the questions for reference.




QUES: What is your child’s biggest goal?
ANS: To be an aerospace engineer

QUES: What is your child’s biggest source of unhappiness?
ANS: Worry about not meeting parental and self-expectations

QUES: What’s your biggest worry for your child?
ANS: Not realizing his potential

QUES: My child does not have any difficulty with mental health and wellbeing
To what extent do you agree with the following statements
PICK ONE: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree – On A Scale of 1 to 7

QUES: My child is always clear on what goal(s) he/she is working towards
To what extent do you agree with the following statements
PICK ONE: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree – On A Scale of 1 to 7

QUES: What do you think are your your child’s biggest distractions?
PICK ALL THAT APPLY: Texting with friends
Online games
His/Her emotions
Parent-child relationship
Boyfriend/ girlfriend
Social Media
Talking on the phone

QUES: What does your child usually do if he or she is upset?
Cry by him/herself
Tell an adult
Listen to music
Watch TV

QUES: What’s one skill you wish your child would develop?
PICK ONE: Control of his/ her feelings
Time management
Awareness of his/her feelings
Communicating with adults
Making friends
Goal Setting

QUES: How would you rank the importance of these life dimensions for your child?
RANK IN ORDER: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

QUES: How do you think your teenage child would rank them?
RANK IN ORDER: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

QUES: What is your biggest challenge as a parent?
ANS: Teaching them how to manage their time and expectations (self and others)

QUES: I have at least one meaningful conversation with my teenage child each week
To what extent do you agree with the following statements
PICK ONE: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree – On A Scale of 1 to 7

QUES: My child appreciates my advice
To what extent do you agree with the following statements
PICK ONE: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree – On A Scale of 1 to 7

QUES: Our family has open communications
To what extent do you agree with the following statements
PICK ONE: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree – On A Scale of 1 to 7

QUES: I have the information I need to support my child
To what extent do you agree with the following statements
PICK ONE: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree – On A Scale of 1 to 7

QUES: Where do you go for information on parenting and supporting your child?
PICK ALL THAT APPLY: Online search
Parenting magazine
School/ Teachers
Medical Professional
Other Parents
Research papers
{MY ANSWERS} https://www.nih.gov/; https://www.thriveglobal.com/; https://www.blinkist.com/; https://www.parenttoolkit.com/; https://www.collegeessayguy.com/; https://www.edutopia.org/ etc.

QUES: What makes you prefer this source over others?
It was recommended to me
It is grounded in academic and scientific research from experts
It is easy to read and digest
It is relatable for my situation
It is fast and practical to apply in my life
It’s been tried and proven effective by parents around me

QUES: Is there any information you wish you have more of
PICK ALL THAT APPLY: How to communicate with my child
How to support my child to get into college
How to support their mental/emotional needs
How to help them better manage themselves
How to provide them with better nutrition
How to help them with social skils
How to discuss sexual health with them
How to build more trusting parent-child relationships
How to help them with substance abuse
How to help them navigate finances
How to help my child find their interests and motivation
If you have a favorite source of information, please share the name (e.g, book title, magazine, blog etc) below
{MY ANSWERS} https://www.nih.gov/; https://www.thriveglobal.com/; https://www.blinkist.com/; https://www.parenttoolkit.com/; https://www.collegeessayguy.com/; ; https://www.education.com/; https://www.socialthinking.com/; https://edtechnology.co.uk/

QUES: What are your challenges with using these sources?
ANS: Too many disparate resources, and too much time for research needed

QUES: How often do you and your child fight?
1-2 times a month
1-2 times a week
2-3 times a week
Every day
Multiple times a day

QUES: What’s one thing you wish your child would do differently?
ANS: Tell me all about his teenage angsts.

QUES: What’s one thing you think your child wish you did differently?
ANS: Not doubt him sometimes even though he might be telling the truth

QUES: My child’s teachers will support my child if he/she is going through a hard time with school
To what extent do you agree with the following statements
PICK ONE: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree – On A Scale of 1 to 7

QUES: My child’s teachers will support my child if he/she is going through a hard time OUTSIDE of school
To what extent do you agree with the following statements
PICK ONE: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree – On A Scale of 1 to 7

QUES: Schools have the responsibility to know if their students are mentally and emotionally healthy
To what extent do you agree with the following statements
PICK ONE: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree – On A Scale of 1 to 7

QUES: I believe my child’s school/ teachers are adequately supporting students’ mental wellbeing
To what extent do you agree with the following statements
PICK ONE: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree – On A Scale of 1 to 7


* * *


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