
FutureSTRONG Academy Mission:

In addition to academic and cognitive education, SECD can help children develop confidence, collaboration, persistence, attentiveness, communication and resilience.

In short, SECD helps children by empowering them with new ways to think, learn and behave.

High GPAs alone are not a guarantee for a successful career or a happy life. As caring adults, we must give them tools for time and focus management and critical thinking.

At FutureSTRONG Academy, we see ourselves as advocates for bringing social, emotional and character development to families, schools and communities. We teach children DECISION making, GOAL setting and problem SOLVING – capabilities that will turn them into resilient, successful and happy adults.



What Is FutureSTRONG Academy?


Our children will one day face the real world without our support. High GPAs alone are not a guarantee for a successful career or a happy life. As caring adults, we must give them tools for time and focus management and critical thinking.

At FutureSTRONG Academy, we see ourselves as advocates for bringing social, emotional and character development to families, schools and communities. We teach children DECISION making, GOAL setting and problem SOLVING – capabilities that will turn them into resilient, successful and happy adults.

That’s our mission – To raise children to respect themselves, their time and their capabilities in a world where distractions are just a click or swipe away.

An After-School Program to build Emotional Intelligence and Essential Life Skills in children – grades K thro’ 12. FutureSTRONG Academy is a 21st Century after school program that foster curiosity and creativity in a fun STEM environment.

Pillars of FutureSTRONG Academy:

Building Resilient, Decisive and Compassionate Children
High GPAs alone are not a guarantee for a successful career or a happy life.
DECISION making, GOAL setting and problem SOLVING are capabilities that help children turn into resilient, successful and happy adults.

Finally! An after school program that teaches children life skills like:

Communication: Clear & Effective speech
Courage: Resilience & Problem solving
Commitment: Accountability & Critical thinking
Clarity: Manage Time &Values
Confidence: Self regulate & Find strengths
Collaboration: Team building & Negotiation

Connect With Us

“As a bonus adding Social, Emotional Skills and Character Education in a child’s curriculum helps Academic performance go up by an average of 13 points.” Source: Taylor.R.D., Oberle, E. Durlak, J.A., & Weissberg. R.P. (2017). Child Development, Volume 88 (4)

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Follow Us On Social Media: @ourfuturestrong

The A to Z Of Life Skills

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