


This is what school administrators across high schools in Metro Atlanta are having to circulate in their school newsletters.

We are sure you have seen the explosion of vape shops and CBD stores in the Johns Creek and greater Atlanta area. The ease of access to these devices (and the chemicals they introduce into the body) has resulted in a significant increase in these devices being brought to school and passed around. In addition, it is easy for students to order the THC oil (cannabis extract) cartridges for these devices through their social media accounts. Just this past week, we have disciplined students for possessing and using vape devices with the THC oil in them.

For your information, {Redacted} County Schools treat vape devices with THC the same as marijuana ({Redacted} Code of Conduct, Rule 11a.III), with consequences of up to 10 days out of school suspension, and referral for hearing and long-term suspension or expulsion for repeated offenses.

The odds are that your child has been offered and possibly has tried a vape device. Please talk to your children about the dangers of the chemicals that are introduced to their bodies through these devices and reinforce the importance of not bringing them to or using them at school. {Redacted} administration will discipline students who are caught with these devices to the fullest extent possible.




Resources For Helping Teens And Adults Quit Smoking, Vaping And Drug Use:



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