
COLLABORATION - A Pillar of FutureSTRONG Academy


Our children will one day face the real world without our support. Academic development is not the only skill they will need in the real world where people skills like taking the lead, emotional intelligence and a strong moral compass will determine who will shine. So, as parents who want to raise well rounded adults, we want to give them the right tools for their personal development.

Here is COLLABORATION as described as the 6 C’s of Future STRONG.

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I’m because we are.


The Art Of Selling And Why Tell Stories

The Art Of Selling And Why Tell Stories

*   Stories are used to sell important ideas. Even companies selling yogurt have their origin story on the marketing label as a way to connect with potential customers - complete with green pastuers, beautiful cows - you get the drift. Stories help us connect...

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Why Radical Self Compassion Is The Key To Empowerment

Why Radical Self Compassion Is The Key To Empowerment

*   We all carry baggages of “what-ifs” and “what-else’s” with us, and at the same time give ourselves unlimited freedom to judge ourselves. Will we stop and call the stranger on the street all the names we call ourselves? Then, why do we think we can do that to...

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Connect Deeply While You Discipline Your Child

Connect Deeply While You Discipline Your Child

* Relationship Building With Children:   We all know that relationship building is a slow process. But, sometimes, we try to go for the quick fixes, like using methods that can seem to control our unruly children right away. Even though disciplinary tactics work...

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How To Run Any Classroom

How To Run Any Classroom

*   Imagine this. You are a teacher and you have the attentive listening ears of little minds all around you. How much personal power does that garner for you? As a teacher you can run a classroom where students can learn how to learn about all the things that...

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