


The sad strength of hate in comparison to love is that it is unambiguous as an emotion. Even if I tell you unequivocally that I love you, you will still ask me for validation. “Are you sure?” But, if I tell you, “I hate you“, you won’t even question that sentiment once. You won’t ask me, “How do you know, we are strangers to each other?”

Your reaction is understandable because the history of humanity tells us that we might be incapable of such unconditional love for universal brotherhood. The lives of our forefathers have taught us that we’ve lived with centuries of communal turmoil and brutality.

And if it is any indication of our predisposition to feelings of disgust and animosity, we might continue to live out our lives either dwelling in incendiary rhetoric or instigating hateful acts of violence against others.




Hate is our inherent self-defense mechanism to protect us from things we don’t want to identify with. It’s our way to guard ourselves from our deepest and darkest discomforts.

Our language and acts of cruelty towards others show ourselves a mirror to what we hate about ourselves. If you don’t like yourself so much, you engage in self-destructive activities. When you are not satisfied with certain aspects of your life, you engage in destruction on a massive scale.

If you’re filled with anger towards me, I can apologize for my infractions. If you’re fearful of me, I can assuage you with my kind words of assurances. But, if you’re filled with spitting rage and hate towards me because you can’t identify with what I am and what I stand for, what can I do?

There is hope even in deep division and hostility. You can begin the journey of healing by understanding what you stand for. What makes up your identity. What are your vulnerabilities? Is aggression, and competition within you being instigated by the culture you’re surrounded by?

Paper protests on the streets, or keyboard courage with vile comments to strangers, is this what you really value? You have a choice to dictate what you get tied down to. Start moving today with accepting yourself and others for who they are.







George Santayana, Character And Opinion In The United States:


“There is much forgetfulness, much callow disrespect for what is past or alien; but there is a fund of vigour, goodness, and hope such as no nation ever possessed before. In what sometimes looks like American greediness and jostling for the front place, all is love of achievement, nothing is unkindness; it is a fearless people, and free from malice, as you might see in their eyes and gestures, even if their conduct did not prove it. This soil is propitious to every seed, and tares must needs grow in it; but why should it not also breed clear thinking, honest judgment, and rational happiness?”





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About The Article Author:

Our mission with FutureSTRONG Academy – to grow children who respect themselves, their time and their capabilities in a world where distractions are just a click or a swipe away.

I see myself as an advocate for bringing social, emotional and character development to families, schools and communities. I never want to let this idea out of my sight – Our children are not just GPAs. I’m a Writer and a Certified Master Coach in NLP and CBT. Until 2017, I was also a Big Data Scientist. In December of 2044, I hope to win the Nobel. Namasté

Write to me or call me. Tell me what support from me looks like. 

Rachana Nadella-Somayajula,
Program Director & Essential Life Skills Coach for Kids and Busy Parents

The Skill Of People Management And Conflict Resolution

COLLABORATION - A Pillar of FutureSTRONG Academy


Our children will one day face the real world without our support. Academic development is not the only skill they will need in the real world where people skills like taking the lead, emotional intelligence and a strong moral compass will determine who will shine. So, as parents who want to raise well rounded adults, we want to give them the right tools for their personal development.

Here is COLLABORATION as described as the 6 C’s of Future STRONG.

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