How To Put Your Faith In Courage

How To Put Your Faith In Courage

  Feelings like hope and courage are in built in us, but we don’t readily access them. But, talk about being realistic, pessimistic and even cautiously optimistic, we are ever ready to embrace them. If bringing out your courageous self is a bit too much for...
The Writer-At-Large Series – Life Is Stranger Than Fiction.

The Writer-At-Large Series – Life Is Stranger Than Fiction.

When Life Happens, You Write   When you’re a writer-at-large, you let life happen to you. That way, you let your eyes steal everything that they see, put a spin on it and spill onto paper / machine some “stream of consciousness” kinda cool stuff. And if I am a...
How True Freedom Knows Boundaries

How True Freedom Knows Boundaries

Our True Aspirations:   If I ask you what you want in life, you might say, recognition, a handsome income, and a comfortable life. But, what about the most important reason why any of the things we want in life matter? Our personal freedom. Don’t believe...
What Are Brain Breaks And Why Does Everyone Need Them?

What Are Brain Breaks And Why Does Everyone Need Them?

  Brain breaks or mental speed bumps are focused attention activities that give brains a break from intense mentally challenging lessons children are expected to learn every day. They are good for us adults too because so much is expected out of us each day. Such...