It’s Time To Unburden Yourself From Yourself

It’s Time To Unburden Yourself From Yourself

Stop The Self Sabotage:   There will always be so much to do. So much to correct about ourselves. Yet, in our pursuit of our perfect selves, we often forget the most important thing to do. To stop burdening ourselves with ourselves. Let me explain a few ways we...
The Corona Manifesto: Surviving Forced Isolation

The Corona Manifesto: Surviving Forced Isolation

Cabin Fever:    Cabin Fever is the restlessness one experiences in forced isolation especially in confined spaces. Even before Corona had hit, we were starting to live fragmented and lonely lives. We were happy staying indoors all day with our phones and devices....
Agent Double Duty: Parenting in the Time of Covid 19

Agent Double Duty: Parenting in the Time of Covid 19

Learning Even When School Is Out:   Two people have the most important jobs in the world. Parents. And Teachers. More than a billion school age kids are out of school at this moment. Teachers are busy figuring out the digital learning landscape. So its important...
How to Preserve Mental Health while Battling Cabin Fever

How to Preserve Mental Health while Battling Cabin Fever

*​ Cabin Fever:    Cabin Fever is the restlessness one experiences in forced isolation especially in confined spaces. Before Corona hit, we were starting to live fragmented and lonely lives. We were happy staying indoors all day with our phones and devices....
Parents, Here Are Ways To Manage Your Own Anxiety First

Parents, Here Are Ways To Manage Your Own Anxiety First

How Anxiety Arises:    One of the most important things we can learn as parents is to master our own stress and anxiety. Children pick up easily on our anxieties and insecurities. Having no rational explanations for the way we’re conducting ourselves around...