What Are Brain Breaks And Why Does Everyone Need Them?

What Are Brain Breaks And Why Does Everyone Need Them?

  Brain breaks or mental speed bumps are focused attention activities that give brains a break from intense mentally challenging lessons children are expected to learn every day. They are good for us adults too because so much is expected out of us each day. Such...
A Beautiful Letter From A Father To His Child

A Beautiful Letter From A Father To His Child

  The following is a letter to his daughter from a renowned Hong Kong TV broadcaster and Child Psychologist. The words are actually applicable to all of us, young or old, children or parents. This applies to sons & daughters equally. All parents can use this...
Leverage Your Brain To Lead You From Boredom To Brilliance

Leverage Your Brain To Lead You From Boredom To Brilliance

Surviving Not Thriving:   We want our children – Resilient, Decisive and Compassionate. But, how many minutes a day do we spend nurturing these qualities in them? All day, every day, we as parents act in full blown survival mode. And we feel like our...