

Continued From Part I:


Check it out HERE.



Discovering On Snapchat:


Yes, we are in the digital age, and kids will have to find ways for social integration online. Yes, it is inevitable. But, one of the most useless apps on the planet can be something that enables kids to scroll mindlessly, post “snaps” of their “followers” and also risk getting shady friend requests from creeps lurking around.

And that for you is Snapchat – of course, a Meta production. And to quote this amazing article on the “5 Reasons Why No Child Needs Snapchat”, here’s what children get to “discover” – essentially things that they didn’t know they needed to know!

Snapchat graciously offers all the children on their app a news outlet for them to “discover”. The Discover section (found by swiping left) offers news told through snap stories. Unfortunately, the content found in Discover can range from “How to get a gun where you live”, “Blow job Q & A”, to an unlimited source of celebrity gossip. All have fantastically written click-bait headlines and the feed of stories never ends. A child could scroll and watch forever. No young child can handle this amount of mature content. Yet, there are no parental controls or filters to alter the Discover feed.



SOURCE: https://braveparenting.net/5-reasons-why-no-child-needs-snapchat/



Mental Health And Snapchat Depression:


Snapchat can be a trigger for anxiety and depression, especially for kids who use it more than two hours per day. For example, read from this research called “Snapchat Depression”.

“Twice as many teenagers now have depression as a generation ago. This high rate of depression has no biological explanation. Instead, it appears to be caused by engagement with social media on smartphones.

It’s now clear that there’s a strong association between use of social media and depression in adolescents. The more depressed adolescents are, the more they use social media; the more they use social media, the more depressed they are. Which causes which is unclear, but whatever the cause, it’s a vicious cycle.”

SOURCE: You can find the guide HERE. https://now.tufts.edu/2018/04/17/snapchat-depression



The Compulsive Addiction And Snapchat Claims:


Snapchat claims that its doing everything to keep the platform safe for kids to use. Parents can also easily and confidentially report any accounts that maybe concerning directing to their Trust and Safety Teams, which work around the clock to help Snapchatters safe.

But all is not well all the time. The biggest problem with Snapchat is how it is engineered for addiction. When children start a streak – posting a picture a day – they start to gain popularity on the platform. More likes, means more attention, and kids will want to spend even more time on the app.

For instance, the disappearing images make it appear safer to send or receive inappropriate content. But, there are many tutorials online about how to take screenshots or how to save snaps forever. If kids want a work around rules, they will find it.

Snap Codes makes is easy to build an extensive network of “friends” they don’t know and whom they will never probably meet in their lifetime. Snap Maps allow users to see where their friends and followers are while using the app. This can lead to dangerous situations and unnecessary safety hazards.



Parental Understanding of Snapchat Safety Features:


Please check out these amazing resources to understand how the app works and what you can do to discuss and control what your child is exposed to on the Snapchat app.





Negative Effects of Snapchat for Teens by SmartSocial.com: 




Continued From Part III:


Check it out HERE.



Cited Works:


This post is an adapted version of the workshop that I attended.
It’s 9pm..Do you know what apps your teens are using?
Online Parent University “Keeping Teens Safe in a Digital World” on 9/27/23 Wednesday, 6pm-7pm.

In this meeting, we learnt about the safety concerns of popular apps among teens, unsafe default settings/parental controls, cyberbullying, and ways to teach teens to stay safe as they navigate the digital world.



* * *


The Digital Literacy Project: Disrupting humanity’s technology addiction habits one truth at a time.

Truth About Technology


Going out for dinner, calling your mom or going to a party used to be about talking to people, about conversation. But during the last ten years something has shifted. Instead of talking about the food, we post a picture of it online; instead of calling our mother, we send her an email updating her on our lives; and at the party we’re busy showing other people YouTube clips and messaging with friends at a bar instead of talking to other people there. In short, face-to-face conversation is nowhere to be found.

~ Reclaiming Conversation by Sherry Turkle


Find Out All The Signs Of Technology Addiction

Find Out All The Signs Of Technology Addiction

* Signs Of Something Terrible:   Around the house, and around you, there can be unmistakable signs of tech addiction. You have no interest in what's happening around you. You're lying to yourself about how much you use your phone. The first obvious sign is that...

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