

The Evolution Of Work: 


The workforce is going to be impacted by three major areas of change and growth.

Workforce transformation: From Baby boomers to Gen Z, there are many generations now in the workforce working next to each other.

Tech modernization And Digital acceleration: Three intersecting forces shape technology: the physical laws of the universe, our collective history and our individual choice.



2014: Four Types of Work:


In 2014, at a lecture at the University of Toronto, Marty Neumeier talked about the Rules of Genius.

Creative: Unique, imaginative, non-routine, and autonomous.
Skilled: Standardized, talent-driven, professional, and directed.
Rote: Interchangeable, routinized, outsourceable, and managed.
Robotic: Algorithmic, computerized, efficient, and purchased.



2017: Careers and Graphs:


In 2017, Adam Grant had shown the world how our careers fare in comparison to others.

2017 – Careers Vs. Potential



2018: Drawing The Future:


This international survey offers an opportunity to explore who primary-age children ideally want to become, and, what shapes (and often limits) their career aspirations and dreams for the future. The Drawing the Future survey used a simple template to combine drawing alongside a number of key questions to better understand what may be shaping the aspirations which some children hold.

Specifically, the survey asked children aged between 7 and 11-years-old to draw what they wanted to be when they were older, and asked where they heard about that job, for instance was it through their parents or someone they knew? Alternatively, were they influenced by other non-familial and local influences such as the internet, television and/or social media?

Findings include:


  • The patterns of jobs chosen by seven-year-olds mirror those selected by 17-year olds
  • Gender stereotyping about jobs is set from a young age
  • Family, TV, radio and film have the biggest influence on children’s choices
  • There is a need for greater access to career role models from a young age
  • Children’s career aspirations have little in common with projected workforce needs, which could have serious implications for the UK’s economy
  • Children in some developing countries often aspire to more professional jobs than those in some affluent countries.








2019: The Era of the Social Enterprise:


People these days don’t want to only eke out a living like how they had to in the midst of war during the Industrial Revolution. We don’t want to just elevate their standard of living like with the latest Technology and Information revolution.

Socially conscious enterprises – the ones that want to do the most social good, that have popped up in the past few years, are making us think of our own personal impact on the world.

Most of us are now seeking meaning in “Why we do” in the “What we do” of our daily lives. We seek reward in improving the quality of our life and not just our standard of living. This is how the Future of our Work is going to look like. Find it HERE.



2020: World Economic Forum Says:



The World Economic Forum says that by 2025, automation and a new division of labor between humans and machines will disrupt 85 million jobs globally in medium and large businesses across 15 industries and 26 economies.

However, humane tasks like managing, advising, decision-making, reasoning, communicating and interacting will continue to remain with humans.

One third of all employers expect to take steps to create a sense of community, connection and belonging through digital tools. ~ World Economic Forum, The Future of Jobs Report, October 2020



2021: Record People Quitting:


Americans set a second straight record for quitting jobs in September, pushing the rate to 3% from 2.9% in August. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said 4.4 million workers left employment during the most recent month for which data were available, with job openings decreasing slightly to 10.4 million. While the delta variant was still weighing on the labor force in September, workers were also chasing better pay and benefits as employers elsewhere bid up.




2022: 4 Day Work Week:


Books like The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss along with its dream inspiring tag line of “Escape 9–5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich” have long worked on our psyche to redefine what we think of work in the 21st century.

And the pandemic has now accelerated how to choose to define our boundaries with work and pleasure. We’re becoming a world that chooses to live now rather than work 9-5 building a safety net for the life – we might or might not have the energy and the enthusiasm for in the end.

In June, 2022, a non-profit called the 4 Day Week Global, a think tank, launched a 4 Day work week in a few companies in UK in partnership with researchers from Cambridge University, Oxford University and Boston College.

The great news is that almost all the companies that adopted these reduced hours kept them, except for a few. Check out the details HERE.



2023: The 9/80 Work Schedule:


We started hearing about this from the beginning of 2023. A 9/80 work schedule is a two-week schedule that divides 80 working hours amongst nine days, typically consisting of eight nine-hour days, one eight-hour day, and one day off. Hours can be arranged to have a full day off every other week or to have a four-hour day every week.

What is a 9/80 Work Schedule? Advantages and Disadvantages

Read more HERE.



2023: Quiet Promotions:


This is to say, that your next job is going to be on the next floor. It means the company is trying to move some of their best employees into open positions, rather than bringing talent from outside.

Read more HERE.



2023: The Golden Handcuffs:


Parallel to the golden handcuffs phenomenon, which describes the notion of staying in a high-paying job due to the paycheck alone, remote workers say they feel trapped by the WFH benefit that’s just too good to lose.

For example, according to businessinsider.com, when you hate your job but you love working from home: and that’s when you’re in remote-work handcuffs.

And here’s another way of looking at golden handcuffs. Golden handcuffs refer to a type of financial incentive offered by employers to retain key employees and incentivize them to stay with the company. The term “golden handcuffs” implies that the incentives are attractive and lucrative, but they also make it difficult for employees to leave the company in that they would lose out on said benefits should they go.

Here’s the SOURCE.



2023: Quiet Cutting: Employers Reassigning More Workers To Cut Jobs:




Focus Areas For Growth:


In the end, no matter what the trends, there are some things that don’t change.

Companies will benefit long term if they focus on these 7 areas of transformation.


1. Purpose: mobilizes people in ways that profits alone never will.
2. Strategy: what not to do is as imp as what to do.
3. Customer: not as developer but as user: what products speak to me?
4. Delivery teams: organized by experience, process and technology
5. Culture: human possibilities vs. human resources
6. Data: in god we trust, all others must bring data
7. Execution: best way to do it is to do it.


In the book – What’s Holding You Back, Sam Horn says that there are fears and insecurities that are timeless for both employees and employers. And this is a good reminder.




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The Future Of Work Is Now


The Non-Cognitive Skills Needed For The Future, Our Hybrid Work Life And Much More


If you’re not careful you can follow your passion right into poverty. ~ Srini Rao


Sitting Is The New Smoking. Time To Pay Attention.

Sitting Is The New Smoking. Time To Pay Attention.

*   When sitting, the electrical activity in our leg muscles shuts off, calorie consumption drops to one per minute, enzymes breaking down fat decrease by 90 percent and good cholesterol drops by approximately ten percent per hour of sitting. Sounds pretty...

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